Environmental Sustainability|Greenhouse Gas Emission

Greenhouse Gas Emission

Nuvoton actively reduce the environmental impact of our business operations by investing in innovative technologies and initiating layouts for renewable energy and net-zero emissions. We enhance resource use efficiency and implement waste management to respond to the continuously evolving international environmental regulations, extreme climate events, and other risks. By estimating financial impacts and planning management costs in advance, we formulate environmental strategies and build operational resilience for the company.

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 13 Climate Action



Cumulative electricity savings from 2010 to 2023



Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 decreased compared to 2020



Infrastructure for annual renewable energy production of

Greenhouse Gas Management


Since 2009, NTC has established a greenhouse gas inventory mechanism by following ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory standards and the "Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emission Verification and Registration" issued by the Environmental Protection Administration. The company regularly inventories Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions within the wafer fab and obtains verification from third-party verification agencies.In 2023, Nuvoton implemented several measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions . Consequently, according to third-party verification, the total Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions for Nuvoton in 2023 were 138,144 t-CO2e, a reduction of 35,728 t-CO2e (20.5%) compared to 2022. The total Scope 1 emissions in 2023 were 39,794 t-CO2e; the total Scope 2 emissions were 98,350 t-CO2e; the total Scope 3 emissions were 724,911 t-CO2e.


Based on the fact that emissions from the process gases generated by NTC account for more than 90% of the carbon emissions in Scope 1, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the processes has been set as the primary reduction target. The main reduction strategy has evolved from initially optimizing processes by replacing process gases to the current approach of installing fluorinated gas reduction equipment at the process end, while also improving the processing efficiency of the reduction equipment and gradually increasing its quantity each year.


NTC's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Project.

Item2023 Target


Actual Results

Future Goals
Fluorinated Gas Reduction Equipment at Process EndComplete the installation of three fluorinated gas reduction units at the process end, with plans to increase the reduction amount annuallyAchieve a 48% annual reduction in fluorinated gas emissionsPlan to add the fourth and fifth units in 2024, achieving a 60% annual reduction compared to the 2020 baseline

Since 2023, NTCJ has been conducting third-party verification in accordance with the ISO 14064-1 standard, similar to Taiwan, and has obtained a verification statement to ensure the credibility and quality of the inventory data and reports. From 2023 to early 2024, NTCJ will conduct carbon emission surveys of suppliers in preparation for ISO 14064-1 certification in 2024.


NTCJ's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Project.

Item2023 Target2023 Actual ResultFuture Goals
The chiller unit has been upgraded from an absorption type to a turbo type, and the equipment and lighting have been redesigned for energy efficiency.
  • In 2023, through the termination of production in Building C of the Uozu plant, reducing output at the Nagaokakyo cogeneration plant, and upgrading the chiller unit at the Niigata plant from absorption type to turbo type.
  • All plants have switched to LED lighting and energy-efficient equipment or designs.
  • Scope 1 emissions have been reduced by 27% (compared to the baseline year 2020) 
  • Scope 2 emissions have decreased by 14%.
Greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by 50% (compared to the baseline year 2020).