Environmental Sustainability|Hazardous Substance Process Management

Hazardous Substance Process Management

Nuvoton actively reduce the environmental impact of our business operations by investing in innovative technologies and initiating layouts for renewable energy and net-zero emissions. We enhance resource use efficiency and implement waste management to respond to the continuously evolving international environmental regulations, extreme climate events, and other risks. By estimating financial impacts and planning management costs in advance, we formulate environmental strategies and build operational resilience for the company.

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 13 Climate Action



Cumulative electricity savings from 2010 to 2023



Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 decreased compared to 2020



Infrastructure for annual renewable energy production of

Hazardous Substance Management

Nuvoton’s hazardous chemical management includes the construction of an exposure assessment model for chemical management, evaluating the risk levels of chemical use. Management methods require an application from the using unit, which must be reviewed and approved by the safety and health management unit. Necessary safety, health, and environmental protection measures must be confirmed before acceptance and use. In terms of hazardous substance management, Nuvoton strictly complies with international regulations and customer requirements, such as the “Hazardous Substance Process Management Standard” (QC 080000), the “EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive” (RoHS), the “Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals” (REACH), and the California Proposition 65, to ensure that the hazardous substance content of Nuvoton products meets international environmental regulations and customer green product requirements, avoiding environmental pollution and harm to human health.

To reduce the use of hazardous substances and minimize the impact on employee health, Nuvoton prioritizes the evaluation of low-hazard chemicals. NMP is widely used in semiconductor processes, but due to its reproductive toxicity, Nuvoton Taiwan has vigorously pursued a plan to replace NMP with less harmful substances since 2022. New chemical tests and product verifications were conducted, and the project officially went online in August 2023. It is estimated that NMP usage will be reduced by 99% annually by 2024.

Safety Protection of Chemical Substance Supply System

Nuvoton regularly reports its operations as required by central authorities and strengthens risk control to prevent potential accidents, prioritizing employee health and safety while providing environmentally friendly manufacturing services. Nuvoton imposes extended controls on chemicals with high health hazards and increased environmental burden risks, including bio accumulative, persistent pollutants, carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reproductive toxic substances, as well as toxic and concerning chemicals.

Nitrogen and Sulfuric Acid Reduction in the Past Three Years

Nuvoton has identified the use of nitrogen and sulfuric acid as relatively important factors affecting the carbon emissions throughout the product life cycle. Therefore, these two chemical raw materials are listed as primary targets for long-term monitoring and reduction, with 2020 set as the baseline year. Active reduction efforts have been promoted, resulting in a 30% reduction in nitrogen usage and a 44% reduction in sulfuric acid usage by 2023 compared to the baseline year.

The nitrogen usage in 2020 (baseline year) was 17,306.03 million cubic meters.
The sulfuric acid usage in 2020 (baseline year) was 1,706.46 metric tons.