Stakeholder Engagement|Analysis of Material Topics

Analysis of Material Topics

Analysis of Material Issues and Stakeholder Communication

Analysis of Material Issues


Nuvoton pursues corporate sustainability by referencing the 2021 version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the AA1000 Accountability Principles Standard issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It identifies material issues based on the principles of inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness, and impact. Following the GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 framework, it constructs a process for analyzing material issues to assess the positive and negative impacts of these issues on the environment, economy, and people (including human rights).

Analysis Process of Material Issues

01 Establishing Sustainability Issues Database
20 Sustainability Issues

Drawing upon past sustainability issue databases, we examine industry sustainability practices in alignment with international trends to establish this year's sustainability issue repository. This repository encompasses sustainability issues across four dimensions: economic, governance, environmental, and social.

02 Surveying Issues of Concern by Stakeholders
40 weighted surveys of stakeholder 、1,685 surveys on stakeholder concerns 

To gauge the level of stakeholder concern regarding sustainability issues, we distributed stakeholder concern surveys to various stakeholders. Simultaneously, senior executives from Nuvoton Taiwan and Nuvoton Japan, along with representatives from working groups, completed stakeholder importance surveys to ascertain the significance of various stakeholders to the company. Finally, weighted scores for stakeholder concern regarding sustainability issues were calculated based on the results of both surveys.

03 Evaluating Sustainability Impacts
36 surveys for assessing sustainability impact 

Representatives from senior management of Nuvoton Taiwan and Nuvoton Japan, as well as representatives from working groups under the Sustainability Development Committee, evaluated the positive and negative impacts and likelihood of occurrence of sustainability issues on the environment, economy, and population (including human rights) using sustainability impact assessment questionnaires.

04 Ranking and Confirming Material Issues
10 material issues

Building upon the significance of impacts determined from the results of Phases 02 and 03 of the questionnaire by the Sustainability Development Committee, the top two issues from each of the economic, governance, environmental, and social dimensions were selected, considering adjustments to the company's sustainable development priorities, to form the final 10 material issues.

05 Presented to the Board of Directors for approval.

The Sustainability Development Committee reviewed the analysis results of the material issues and working groups formulated management policies for each material issue. Finally, these were presented to the Board of Directors for approval.

Matrix diagram of material issues


It is generated based on the weighted stakeholder concern scores and sustainability impact assessment results, with the 10 material issues for the year 2023 indicated within the matrix.

Management Strategy and Business Performance
Innovation and R&D Management
Customer Relationship Management
Product Quality
Corporate Governance and Business Integrity
Information Security and Privacy Protection
Risk Management
Regulatory Compliance
Supplier Sustainability Management
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy Resource Use and Consumption
Wastewater and waste
Air Pollution
Climate Change
Water resources management
Occupational Safety and Health
Talent Appreciation and Cultivation
Labor and Human Rights
Social Engagement

Sustainability Impact Assessment and Ranking


List of Material Issues and Their Impact

Material IssueCorresponding GRI Themes and StandardsSignificance for NuvotonAspects of Impact (Positive/Negative)Description of Economic, Environmental, and/or Social Impact (Response to Risks and Opportunities)Lead Divisions
Corporate Governance and Business Integrity
  • 205 Anti-Corruption
  • 206 Anti-competitive Behavior
Corporate governance assessment of key issues is critically significant for Nuvoton, as it helps ensure the company's sustainable development, meet stakeholder expectations, comply with relevant regulations, effectively manage risks, maintain long-term competitiveness, and establish credibility. These elements are crucial for the company's long-term prosperity.

Positive Sound corporate governance and business integrity. Through the formulation and implementation of relevant rules and guidelines, establish standards of conduct for operational activities, generating positive impacts on the company, society, and the environment.


Failure to execute comprehensive corporate governance and business integrity may lead to the misuse of company resources for activities detrimental to the company, society, and the environment, negatively impacting stakeholders, and even resulting in additional costs related to legal proceedings and lawsuits due to violations.


Operating with integrity and good corporate governance principles are fundamental to business operations, instilling confidence in stakeholders towards Nuvoton, encouraging investment in and commercial transactions with Nuvoton, thereby positively affecting revenue and the economy.


Embracing the concept of integrity in business operations and having robust governance systems can prevent companies from engaging in environmentally harmful practices and reduce the occurrence of cost shifting to the environment due to economic considerations.


Effective corporate governance systems and business integrity practices can prevent companies from facing legal penalties or even closure due to violations, as well as prevent the misuse of company resources, thereby safeguarding employees' rights and ensuring equal treatment.

Sustainability Development Committee Corporate Governance Working Group, Nuvoton Japan Internal Control Office, Nuvoton Japan Corporate Strategy Office
Management Strategy and Business Performance
  • 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed by the organization
  • 201-3 Defined benefit obligations and other retirement plans
Management strategy and business performance are key to Nuvoton's sustainable development. Developing comprehensive business strategies can maximize cost utilization and increase revenue, thereby improving corporate profits and operational efficiency.

Developing comprehensive short, medium, and long-term business strategies and goals effectively enhances operational performance and maintains market competitiveness.


Failure to anticipate market changes may result in missed business opportunities, leading to loss of customers and orders.


Collaborating with academia for early-stage research and implementation, maintaining AI development momentum, and increasing long-term revenue opportunities.


Introducing digital technology into energy-saving applications and facility management can enhance operational efficiency and have a positive impact on the environment.


Developing applications for smart manufacturing to enhance efficiency, process quality, and product yield in work and production.

President’s Office
Innovation and R&D ManagementCustomized TopicInnovation and research capabilities serve as the engine for Nuvoton's continuous growth.

Continuously enhancing enterprise innovation and growth momentum by providing novel products and services and increasing market share.


Failure to retain advanced technologies may result in the inability to provide innovative services or products in response to market changes, reducing market competitiveness.


Practicing innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship annually to promote the idea of industry digital prosperity through innovation.


Integrating environmental and intelligent technologies to expand applications can accelerate data integration and monitoring, reducing environmental impacts.


Encouraging employees to contribute innovative ideas and rewarding selected proposals, actively promoting innovation through strategic and concrete actions.

Product Working Group of the Sustainability Development Committee
Information Security and Privacy Protection
Customized TopicEnsures the company's long-term stable development and customer satisfaction while protecting corporate and customer assets and reputation.
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Creating business value and reputation.
  • Complying with information security and privacy laws to avoid fines for violations.
  • May reduce business efficiency.
  • Increased costs due to security investments.
  • Information security controls may affect customer experience.
  • Human errors leading to information leakage, resulting in security risks and losses.

Enhancing brand image and reputation in customers' minds to expand market size and explore new business opportunities. Increasing customer loyalty.Avoiding legal risks and liabilities to maintain corporate reputation and image. 


Securely maintaining and upgrading information equipment to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and promote the development and application of green technology.


Ensuring the non-abuse, disclosure, and infringement of personal information of employees and customers to safeguard basic human rights and corporate social responsibility.

Information Security Advocacy and Social Engineering Education Training, Nuvoton Japan Information Security Promotion Committee
Supplier Sustainability Management
  • 204 Procurement Practices
  • 308 Supplier Environmental Assessment
  • 414 Supplier Social Assessment
Suppliers provide Nuvoton with the raw materials necessary for its operations and production. Nuvoton is committed to pursuing mutual growth with its suppliers.

Establishing a sound supplier management mechanism and collaborating with suppliers to build a sustainable supply chain.Monitoring suppliers' implementation of human rights protection and achieving energy-saving, carbon-reduction, and cost-reduction objectives together.


Failure to implement supplier sustainability management may result in the inability to monitor suppliers' human rights and environmental management practices, potentially leading to adverse impacts on the company, society, and the environment.


Establishing a comprehensive supply chain management system to stabilize the supply of goods and improve operational efficiency, leading to increased revenue.


Collaborating with suppliers to enhance sustainability performance, including developing energy-saving and carbon-reduction plans.Neglecting environmental management in the supply chain may increase the risk of regulatory violations


Incidents of human rights disputes in the supply chain may decrease customer trust and order quantity.

Sustainability Development Committee Supplier Management Working Group
Climate ChangeCustomized TopicNuvoton recognizes the importance of climate change on business sustainability. Considering the financial risks climate change may pose to operations, Nuvoton follows the TCFD's recommendations to identify climate-related risks and opportunities and incorporates them into the company's risk management framework as one of the sustainability development strategies.

Integrating climate change into management practices, product research and development, and operational goals can help the company address the impacts of each climate risk and opportunity.


Failure to integrate climate change into management practices, product research and development, and operational goals may result in an inability to proactively address climate-related risks and opportunities and mitigate the impacts of climate change


Assessing the impact of each climate risk and opportunity on development strategies and financial implications to expand the scale of green product development, enhancing competitiveness and industry chain value.

  • Improving the energy conversion efficiency of production equipment and reducing energy consumption.Identifying the impact of extreme weather on supply chains and adjusting production line configurations in advance.
  • Identifying the impact of extreme weather on supply chains and adjusting production line configurations in advance.

Addressing and implementing measures to mitigate the potential impacts of climate change on employees' work and life in advance.

Responsibility lies with the financial unit and is jointly supervised by the Sustainability Development Committee.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions305 Greenhouse Gas Emissionsissue of greenhouse gas causing global warming affects the sustainability of the global ecology. Nuvoton cannot stay aloof and considers it a key issue for corporate sustainable development, while actively promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Understanding the company's greenhouse gas emissions, effectively managing data, and planning future carbon reduction pathways and strategies.


Failure to effectively manage greenhouse gas emissions increases the risk and expenditure of future carbon tax and fees.


Procuring energy equipment that meets the low-energy standards announced by the Energy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and establishing energy-saving certification for energy equipment.


Conducting organizational greenhouse gas inventories and planning carbon reduction strategies.


Strengthening employees' awareness of environmental protection and energy conservation.

Sustainability Development Committee Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Working Group
Energy Resource Use and Consumption
302 EnergyNuvoton adheres to the concept of "environmental sustainability" to minimize the environmental impact during product design, services, activities, and production. We commit to complying with energy-related regulations and meeting the needs of stakeholders, aiming to create a green and energy-efficient environment through the implementation of energy management systems.

Enhancing the company's energy efficiency and implementing energy conservation and carbon reduction measures.


Failure to effectively manage energy resource consumption may increase future risks and operational costs.


Establishing an environmental management system to plan, implement, and inspect energy resource management, thereby improving energy resource utilization efficiency.


Installing solar energy-saving equipment to increase the proportion of renewable energy usage.


Strengthening employee awareness of environmental protection and energy conservation.

Talent Appreciation and Cultivation
  • 401 Labor Relations
  • 404 Training and Education
The company's growth is built on the professionalism and management capabilities of its employees. Recruiting, retaining, and developing talented individuals is a critical task for the company. Human capital is an indispensable key factor in the company's operations, and maintaining talent superiority is synonymous with maintaining the company's competitiveness. At Nuvoton, talent is recognized as a crucial cornerstone for the sustainable development of the enterprise. The company's technological advancements and competitive advantages are continuously maintained in the market due to outstanding talent.

The company emphasizes employee remuneration, benefits, development, and empowerment, leading to an activated corporate culture and improved service/production efficiency and product quality, thereby enhancing the company's competitive advantage in the market.


Neglecting employee remuneration, benefits, and development may result in talent loss, inadequate training, decreased product quality, or operational errors, leading to a decline in the company's competitiveness.


Talent is the foundation of enterprise growth. By valuing and continuously developing employees, it is possible to enhance their innovation and efficiency, thereby increasing the company's competitiveness and revenue growth momentum.




Nuvoton values and actively cultivates its employees. This approach helps attract and retain talent, leveraging the benefits of talent to enhance employee engagement and satisfaction in their work.

Sustainability Development Committee Labor Rights Working Group 
Occupational Safety and Health
403 Occupational Safety and HealthOccupational safety and health are not only a legal obligation for companies but also the cornerstone of establishing a healthy, safe, and sustainable corporate culture. By actively investing in and practicing occupational safety and health management, companies can achieve long-term sustainable operation.

Through a well-planned occupational safety and health system, employee and contractor workplace safety and health can be effectively maintained, reducing direct and indirect damage caused by occupational accidents.


Lack of a comprehensive occupational safety and health system may jeopardize personnel safety and health, affecting the company's image, product quality, and labor relations.


An effective occupational safety and health management system can help companies identify workplace risks, enabling them to prevent accidents in advance and reduce the probability of legal penalties due to occupational safety and health incidents.


A proper occupational safety and health management system can assist companies in managing hazardous substances, ensuring proper monitoring and disposal of organic solvents, dust, specific chemicals, and other hazardous substances in the workplace, thereby reducing environmental burden.


A good occupational safety and health management system can effectively protect the safety of contractors and employees, establishing a safe and healthy workplace.

Sustainable Development Committee Occupational Safety and Health Working Group